
Posted by Breanne Smedley |


It’s a little, sneaky word.

I realize that I use it all the time.

What I didn’t realize was how often I do it.

"I’m going to try to workout at 7am today."

"I’m going to try to go to bed by 10pm."

"I’m going to try to be off my phone more today."

"I’m going to try to launch my next Elite Competitor Program in June."

"I’m trying to get 15 girl athletes in that cohort."

"I’m trying to build a business with Kristina."

"I’m trying to be more present with my family."

I try…

I’m trying…

Language and how we frame what we say has an enormous impact on our subconscious.

And our subconscious is what runs the show.

It’s the thoughts and beliefs that run below the surface that will really determine my future...

And if I get out of bed when I said I was going to "try" to.

Or if my goals of being present actually get accomplished.

Or if my next launch is a success.

Because that sneaky "try" sets me up to feel better in the moment.

Makes me feel better...in case things don’t go as planned.

"At least I tried!" It’s almost like I’m setting myself up to say that from the get-go.

I don’t actually have to succeed to make the statement true. My brain would be satisfied, I did exactly what I said I would do.

The reality is, that I’m lying to myself when I sneak in that little "try."

Not allowing myself to believe that I’m actually capable of accomplishing these things.

So, it’s time to be more direct with my thoughts, my language, and the standards I set for myself.

Allowing myself to take ownership and change my actions to align with my beliefs.

I am working out at 7am.
I will go to bed by 10pm.
I will set boundaries to be off my phone more today.
I am building a business.
I will launch my next program in June.

It’s a small shift.

But there’s a big difference between "trying" and "doing."


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