"Today's the day..."

Posted by Kristina Smedley |

Friday was going to be a big day in our house! But now that big day is today… Kaden is six months old and…
He’s moving into his crib. Into his own room. And will immediately start some gentle sleep training.
All three of those things make me a little sad.
I’ve been putting them off… really hoping that he would naturally just figure it out sleeping all night on his own.
And I know he will eventually, but he really likes waking up to see me throughout the night and that’s not going to work so well when I go back to work. Plus, I really need to get some more sleep.
So, it’s time for a little bit of help…
Tonight we will start Taking Cara Babies’ ‘ABCs of Sleep’ program:
A: Address Issues Before You Begin
B: Be Consistent
C: Create or Continue a Bedtime Routine
(plus, I’m sure many more letters of the alphabet)
Looks like a good formula for results to me:
It’s what we do to eat healthy:
Remove the sugar and junk food from the house and replace with healthy food.
Commit to no sugar and follow-through each day
Create a supportive grocery shopping, cooking, etc routine
It’s what we do to become more fit:
Setup the right environment with good instruction, equipment, etc
Commit to show up each day
Build it in to our routine so it become automatic, no debating with ourselves
And just like Cara says for the ABC’s of Sleep… Consistency will make or break the program.
If we decide on Day #3 to go pick him up when he’s crying, then he learns/remembers that the louder and longer he cries the more apt he is to get picked up.
If we eat that cookie on Day #3, we are telling ourselves that we aren’t actually that dedicated to our commitments.
If we quit on our workouts on Day #3, then we are telling ourselves and our teammates that we are willing to quit versus ‘find a way’ like we all said we would.
So yeah, I like this plan.
Consistency is going to be a challenge, like it often is.
But it will also help create the results we are looking for, like it always does.
It just comes down to making the choice… be consistent or not.
I choose Consistent (and I’ll probably have to remind myself of that many times tonight!)

About The Author

Kristina Smedley