"My most special poem..."

Posted by Kristina Smedley |

A couple days ago, my Dad sent our family a text with an image attached. His text said…

"My Aunt Dee wrote this about your Gramma a long time ago. Just got it from my Cousin Jude, Aunt Dee’s second daughter. Tells me a lot about who she was as a mom."

I hadn’t even looked at the image yet. My eyes were already welled up with tears.

See, my Grandma was one of my favorite people when I was a little kid.

I loved going to visit!
We explored outside.
Went to the beach.
Went swimming.
Listened to music boxes.
Played with my Grandpa’s rock collection.
Played on their computer (early 90s)!
Drank Grandma-Coffee (milk with a splash of coffee).

Always laughing, playing, and having fun!

But I also remember that my Grandma was always sick.

Often she wanted to sit comfortably in her favorite spot on the couch, while we teased my Grandpa about taking his chair.

When she unexpectedly passed away after surgery, I was heartbroken.
I was in 4th grade, but I remember that day like the back of my hand.

Still to this day, it’s one of the worst days of my life.

Usually the emotions of that day come back as soon as we starting talking about my Grandma.

My dad was just about my age now when he lost his mom.
I just can’t imagine. I feel sad for him too.

I was curious to know more of his memories and what this little poem reminded him of.

He shared that "Gramma did enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, rough housing with her boys. She frequently out fished us."

What great memories this little poem brought to mind, and now I get to hear about them too.

Writing down our stories and memories creates our legacy.
One day, I hope Kaden and his family read some of my stories and have greater insights into who I am as a mom and who my parents are as grandparents. Just like my Aunt Dee’s poem did for us.


About The Author

Kristina Smedley