“Dear 31 year old Breanne…”
Published by Kristina & Breanne,
Posted by Breanne Smedley |
The other day, as part of a book I’m reading, I was prompted to write a letter to myself.
A letter written by my 100 year old self, to my current self.
It was an odd experience, imagining myself at 100 years old.
Automatically, my mind went to the typical image of an old woman.
My dark brown hair a shade of silver.
My skin wrinkly and my body frail, moving slowly.
Sitting comfortably in my home surrounded by photos of my children and great grandchildren.
After I got past that image, and realized that I have the capacity to change it (can’t I be one of those 100 year old CrossFitters..?)
…I really tried to get into the mind of what my 100 year old self would be thinking, looking back over her life.
And if she had an opportunity to tell my 31 year old self anything, what would it be?
Like something had come over me, I started to write.
"Dear Breanne…
I would love you to know that you don’t have to have it all figured out.
That the biggest critic in your life is between your own two ears.
The world needs your voice, needs your message, and needs the passion that you have within you, more than ever.
You are creating a movement, and the work you’re doing matters.
Don’t worry about what people might think.
Do things for YOU and things that are aligned with your passion.
Rather than live a life trying to gain the approval of others or to avoid judgement.
Let yourself believe in that big dream.
Let go of the limiting beliefs.
You’re going to make mistakes. And it’s going to be okay.
You are the best mom for Charlee.
You are exactly who she needs, and you’re doing a good job.
She will grow into a beautiful, driven, kind, and compassionate woman because of your example and guidance.
And she needs to see you continue to not give up on your dreams.
You and Brett are building a life on the foundation of love and trust.
Continue to lean into him, and let him to brighten your days.
You’ll see later how insignificant that thing that you are worrying about today is.
Let it go.
And how the greatest memories are made not by the things you buy or on the vacation, but by the memories you create through the day to day.
Cherish the car rides with Charlee to work. Breakfasts with the family in the morning. The bedtime rituals.
The routines are where the memories live.
Most of all, I’d love you to remember that it’s not always going to be easy.
But it’s worth it. Keep going."
My 100 year old self is wise.
She’s kind.
She’s strong. Physically and mentally.
She’s generous.
She has so much love for herself and those around her.
She has a memory bank and books of stories that have shaped her life.
She has made it to the end of her life without the thought of:
"I wish I would have…"
Thank you, 100 year old self for the encouragement this morning.
Can’t wait to be you, one day.